How To Reset Your New Orleans Home System
One perk of getting your home security system installed by professionals is that you seldom need to worry about it. Even so, there will likely be a few instances when you need to reset your alarms in New Orleans. If you use the ADT Command hub, a reset normally needs only a couple tap of a button after common events like false alarms and battery changes.
Check Your Owner’s Manual Before Trying to Reset Your Alarm Panel
A word to the wise before you start resetting your New Orleans home security system, read your instruction manual prior to proceeding. You wouldn’t want to damage your home’s protection due to pressing a button in error. In addition, control panels might be different if you moved from a numbered keypad to a fully digital system. And if you can't reset your system, don't worry as you can always call your trusted security specialists.
Resetting Your New Orleans Security System Due To A False Alarm
Typically, a false alarm occurs because of a sensor that was tripped by accident. You can utilize the control panel or open your ADT smartphone app and touch the shield option and type in your credentials to turn off the system when this occurs. You could be contacted by your security monitoring team, but just let them know you had a false alarm.
How To Reset Your Alarm After A Power Outage In New Orleans
When you lose power because of a storm or other event, you could begin hearing a repeated, high-pitched beep from your control panel. This signifies that your home’s defense is running off the backup battery. To reset your equipment and silence the beeping, you must deactivate and reactivate your system.
But please note, if power is out for prolonged time frame, you may need a total system reset. Pay careful attention to the instructions in the instruction manual -- usually by entering your PIN number and tapping the designated button two times -- and you should be running fine. You could still hear chirping caused by the secondary power source, as it’s possible it won’t stop until the battery charges entirely. Contact your home security agent if you continue to have difficulties with your ADT equipment a day after power is restored.
How To Reset Your Home Security System After Replacing A Battery
There will be infrequent times when you need to change a battery within one of the devices in your security installation. To do this, you will switch your system to "Test Mode" so you prevent setting off an alarm by accident. Once the you replace the old battery, change the alarm panel out of Test Mode and resume your usual settings. If the command center doesn't recognize the component or the battery icon stays on, you may need a whole system reset.
Tips to Reset Your New Orleans Security System After Adding Or Deleting A Code
Adding and deleting personal codes can be done on the ADT Command panel and the ADT Control mobile app. You won’t have to perform a resetting of your system when deleting or adding codes. With that being said, if you find yourself moving to a new home with an existing ADT alarm system, you'll want to contact your home security professional at (504) 291-4028 to establish a new plan. The installer will visit your property to switch out outdated parts, place other components (if needed), and reset the system for you.
An Easy-To-Use Security System Is Only A Call Away
Attempting to reset a home security system in New Orleans can be difficult if it fails to include clear devices and controls. If the time has come to acquire your easy-to-use alarm system, dial (504) 291-4028 or submit the form below. We’ll be ready to customize the perfect security system for your needs.